There are moments when we would gladly rip the capital Ü out of our respective keyboards. Particularly that one.
Because not only this app’s business model is disruptive, so is its influence on the discussions taking place in the mobility industry. An influence this particular app sees as beneficial and ‘innovative’.
But then it might just as well be the capital H (Hailo) or G (Gettaxi) or L (Lyft). So dominant have the (external and/or more or less disruptive) apps become in shaping the discussions taking place in the taxi and for hire vehicle workplace, that themes which occupied us two years ago, seem to have vanished completely. As disruptive apps challenge the business model, no, the existence of the taxi trade as we know it, there seems to be only one single refrain: app, app, app….
The ‘New World Order’ – as predicted by Matt Daus (you’ll see more of him later in this Taxi Times) – or was it ‘Brave New World’ of the mobility industry, will never be the same again. There will be many different mobility systems between public transport and the private car, with taxi being just one of them. And the borders between systems will be blurred and continue to blur….
Read more at Taxi times Print-Issue.